The Planking Craze

Posted by Kuyat Nangka on 2:03 PM with 3 comments

When you take any photos, you will pose for the picture taken. But they is a trend out there which I stumbles on the internet which need to be shared to all such as “Planking”, “Owling”, “Batting”, “Leisure Diving”,”Horsemaning”, “Stocking”,  “Teapotting”, “Tebowing” and “Razorbombing”.
In Malaysia we have another pose called “Takde Makne” aka “No Means??” correct me if I’m wrong if I’d direct translated the words from BM to English.
So here I explain on each pose so that you have a better understanding and you may use it as your next pose in your photo for fun.

"Planking" (or the "Lying Down Game") is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. The hands must touch the sides of the body and having a photograph of the participant taken and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game. Players compete to find the most unusual and original location in which to play. The term planking refers to mimicking a wooden plank. Rigidity of the body must be maintained to constitute good planking.
Since early 2011, many participants in planking have photographed the activity on unusual locations such as atop poles, roofs and vehicles. Planking can include lying flat on a flat surface, or holding the body flat while it's supported in only some regions, with other parts of the body suspended.

Owling is a variation on planking in which a person squats "like an owl"

Batting aka Batmanning
Batmanning involves hanging upside down by your feet.

Teapotting is one of the many variations of planking that arose shortly after planking went viral. Teapotting consists of bending the arms into the shape of a teapot, in reference to the children's song "I'm a Little Teapot". This variation was created by teachers in Mortlake College in an attempt to create a new 'craze' after noticing the amount of attention planking received.

Horsemaning involves posing two people so that they appear to be a single body with a detached head and is a revival of a photography fad popular in the 1920s.[25] It is thought that the name comes from the Headless Horseman in Washington Irving's short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

One of the most difficult to successfully pull off but most rewarding photo trends is "stocking," in which participants recreate a stock art photograph to the best of their abilities.

Leisure Diving
Leisure Diving was created by John Lewis and his friend Alex Scott, who would photograph their friends striking nonchalant poses as they dove into a pool. The trend took on a life of its own on the Internet.

All those other photo trends a little too "last week" for you? Why not give razorbombing a go? All you need is a razor, an unwitting victim, and a good sense of perspective.

Is a picture of people kneel in prayer in random locations and situations and post pictures of it on the Internet. The website offers a precise definition for the art of Tebowing, as well.
At, it explain the definition of tebowing as to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.

Takde Makne aka Sentaping aka Podanning (Malaysian Own Meme Pose)
A pose where you put both hand and you shoulder  with your eyes look upwards.

So with the sample post and descriptions, I hope you have a slightly an idea what to pose in your next photo taken.
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