Feng Shui Painting @ Gurney Plaza Penang
Posted by Kuyat Nangka on 4:45 PM with 1 comment
Gurney plaza
I went to Gurney Plaza one of the biggest shopping mall in Penang Island. I was told that the plaza is become larger after the new wing completed.
I parked my car at Gurney Drive in front of the mall.
Gurney Esplanade where young and old gathered.
Gurney Plaza Main Entrance.
Gurney Plaza located at Gurney Drive and usually to find a parking here is hard as this place is having an esplanade where young and old people gather enjoy the night sea breeze.
Canon Promotion Carnival at Centre Court.
Since I’d never been to Gurney Plaza, I decided to go in there to check it out with my SLR. What a surprise that there was a promotion on Canon DSLR. I was approach by some sales person from canon to upgrade my lens and camera body to Canon 500D. Trade in accepted. Since I’m not ready for the upgrade, I turn down the offer as I’m still noobs with SLR world. As I walk around the shopping mall, seems like only me carrying bulky camera hang on my neck. Look like tourist sesat. Hahahahaha.... And then I stumble on a crowd gather around a shop so I’m also curious with it.
One of the flyer of Feng Shui painting near the shop.
Some of the Feng Shui Painting artwork.
What a shock, it a fengshui master in painting. Without further ado, i start snapping some of his art work and his action. He do not use brush or what but use his hand. Believe me, he make the thing look so easy. For the price, it is not that cheap.
The master at work. Drawing using his side palms.
Some curious onlookers also amaze with his work.
The master is creating his art.
The master pose for my camera with his finish art work. Marvelous.
Lucky for me, since he saw me snapping his photo, he consults me for free on fengshui by looking on my palms. And from his reaction, he ask me to place a water flows such as aquarium or fountain inside the house to generate prosperous and good fortune in years to come. I can’t understand his mandarin as it was so pekat (China Mainland Mari aka CMM) so there was a translator around to translate for me. He was glad that i able to take his photo and hope i will promote his art.
Categories: Places, Working Trip
Very nice piece of art...
... and you see the difference when you carry a DSLR? People just willing to pose on your cam!!
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